[ABE-L] Webinar High Dimensional Data Analysis

Ronaldo Dias dias em ime.unicamp.br
Seg Dez 7 09:47:30 -03 2020

Corrigindo a data do Webinar do Prof. Julián Collazos.
Será em 9/12/2020 as 13hs. Detalhes abaixo.
Gostaria de convidá-los(as) a assistir mais um seminário em Análise de
Dados em Alta Dimensão. Ocorrerá às 13hs, *09/12/2020*. Os links para este
seminário e a gravação do anterior (google meet e youtube) estão abaixo.
Desta vez teremos como palestrante, Prof. Julian Collazos, New Granada
Military University, Colombia.

*Webinar 9/12/2020*: https://meet.google.com/bzx-pbva-imx

Functional regression models for count data applied to confirmed COVID-19

In this work, some count models for response variable with excess of zeros
and functional and scalar covariates are presented to model the number of
deaths from coronavirus. In order to estimate and select important
covariates that influence the mean number of deaths and the proportion of
zero counts (no deaths), it is proposed to use a Bayesian approach with
appropriate a priori distributions on the model parameters associated with
functional and scalar covariates. These prioris are implemented under a
structure based on regularization methods for grouped covariates such as
group Lasso or group Elastic-Net. This proposed methodology is illustrated
using COVID-19 data from some Brazilian cities that have been affected by
the pandemic.

*webinar 2/12/20*: https://youtu.be/0-FyDHsJS7g

Ronaldo Dias, Ph.D.
Dept. of Statistics-IMECC, UNICAMP
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