[ABE-L] FGV EMAp | Seminário: "Bayesian predictive synthesis" por Mike West

Eduardo Fonseca Mendes eduardo.mendes em fgv.br
Seg Dez 7 13:43:47 -03 2020


É com muito prazer vos convido para o seminário desta semana da Escola de Matemática Aplicada da FGV. Receberemos o professor Mike West, da Universidade de Duke nos EUA que falará sobre Bayesian Predictive Synthesis.

Àqueles que não sabem, o prof. Mike West orientou grandes nomes da estatística Brasileira e é um dos principais nomes em estatística Bayesiana no mundo.

O seminário será esta quinta-feira, dia 10/12 as 16h pelo ZOOM. Segue divulgação e sintam-se a vontade para convidar interassados.


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Bayesian predictive synthesis (BPS) is a foundational framework for evaluation, calibration, comparison, and context-and data-informed combination of multiple forecast distributions arising from multiple models or sources.  BPS subsumes and explains existing density forecasts combination methods, helps to identify strengths and weaknesses of specific approaches, and defines forecast synthesis when predictions come from sets of models, individual forecasters, agencies, or other sources. My talk   highlights foundational aspects and then applications  of BPS to  multi-step ahead macro-economic forecasting.  The latter involves BPS  based on  multivariate, dynamic latent factor models in which latent factor processes represent individual models or forecasters. The framework  allows modelling and estimation-- sequentially and adaptively over time-- of varying forecast biases and facets of miscalibration of individual forecast densities, and   of time-varying inter-dependencies among models or forecasters over multiple series.

Texto informado pelo autor.


10 de Dezembro de 2020, às 16h

Via Zoom

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Mike West is the Arts & Sciences Professor of Statistics & Decision Sciences the Department of Statistical Science at Duke University. Mike's research and teaching activities are in Bayesian analysis in ranges of interlinked areas: theory and methods of dynamic models in time series analysis, multivariate analysis, latent structure, high-dimensional inference and computation, quantitative and computational decision analysis, stochastic computational methods, and statistical computing, among other topics.

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