[ABE-L] Seminário de probabilidade e processos estocásticos - IME - USP

Aline Duarte alineduarte em usp.br
Ter Nov 3 10:12:30 -03 2020

Caros colegas,

na próxima *sexta-feira*, 06 de novembro, às *15h, *acontecerá mais
um seminário do ciclo SPSP-IME-USP. O cronograma dos seminários pode ser
acompanhado em  https://sites.google.com/usp.br/psps-ime-usp.

Um abraço,
Aline Duarte

*Seminar on Probability and Stochastic Processes*

  Manuel Navarrete - (Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chile)
Next Friday, November 6th - *3pm*
Live on Google Meets: https://meet.google.com/htw-ctsn-uua
Video recording will be available on:

Title: Multidimensional Walks with Random Tendency

Abstract:  In this talk I will introduce a multidimensional walk with
memory and random tendency. I will prove a law of large numbers and the
existence of a phase transition from diffusive to superdiffusive regimes.
In the first case, it is possible to obtain a functional limit theorem to
Gaussian vectors. In superdiffusive regime, we obtain strong convergence to
a non-Gaussian random vector and characterize its moments.
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