[ABE-L] Fwd: Simpósio 50 anos PG Cardiologia UFRJ - programação

Basilio de Bragança Pereira basilio em hucff.ufrj.br
Seg Nov 16 19:05:22 -03 2020

Caros colegas
Segue o endereço do site do Simpósio de 50 Anos da PG Cardiologia da UFRJ
Para os estatísticos recomendo notar a programação da manhã do dia 4 de
Teremos palestras de Sir David Cox , Sir Adrian Smith e Prof Fabio Cozmann

Basilio de Bragança Pereira,M.Sc. and D.L. (COPPE) D.I.C. and Ph.D.
(Imperial College).
Professor Emérito da UFRJ  - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
PEP/COPPE, ICES  e Faculdade de Medicina.
Pesquisador Colaborador- LNCC , Pesquisador Visitante Emérito - FAPERJ
Tel: 55 21 98890-6489

O artista vê a verdade no belo ,o cientista vê o belo na verdade

"A statistician working alone is a statistician making mistakes"

"The best thing about being a statistician is that you get to play in
everyone´s backyard"
"Finding the question is more important than finding the answer"
"It is better to solve the right problem approximately than  to solve  the
wrong problem exactly'

Basilio de Bragança Pereira,M.Sc. and D.L. (COPPE) D.I.C. and Ph.D.
(Imperial College).
Professor Emérito da UFRJ  - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
PEP/COPPE, ICES  e Faculdade de Medicina.
Pesquisador Colaborador- LNCC , Pesquisador Visitante Emérito - FAPERJ
Tel: 55 21 98890-6489

O artista vê a verdade no belo ,o cientista vê o belo na verdade

"A statistician working alone is a statistician making mistakes"

"The best thing about being a statistician is that you get to play in
everyone´s backyard"
"Finding the question is more important than finding the answer"
"It is better to solve the right problem approximately than  to solve  the
wrong problem exactly'
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