[ABE-L] Seminário de probabilidade e processos estocásticos - IME-USP

Aline Duarte alineduarte em usp.br
Ter Nov 17 09:58:51 -03 2020

Caros colegas,

na próxima *sexta-feira*, 20 de novembro, às *15h, *acontecerá mais
um seminário do ciclo SPSP-IME-USP. O cronograma dos seminários pode ser
acompanhado em  https://sites.google.com/usp.br/psps-ime-usp.

Um abraço,
Aline Duarte

*Seminar on Probability and Stochastic Processes*

  *Pablo A. Gomes* - (IME-USP)
Next Friday, November 20th - *3pm*
Live on Google Meets: https://meet.google.com/htw-ctsn-uua
Video recording will be available on:

Title: Tree-like behavior for anisotropic percolation

Abstract:  A well-known phenomenon for independent percolation on the
d-dimensional hipercubic lattice is that, in some sense, for d large, it
resembles the model on the (d+1)-regular tree.

In this talk we will discuss this phenomenon for anisotropic percolation
models. On the oriented case, we will show that, if the sum of the local
probabilities is strictly greater than one and each of them is not too
large, then percolation occurs. We also will show that, in high dimensions,
the crossover critical exponent is equal to one, the same value known for
regular trees.

Based on joint works with Alan Pereira, Rémy Sanchis and Roger W.C. Silva.
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