[ABE-L] Fwd: Biometrika Research Fellowship: available for 2021 start date

Basilio de Bragança Pereira basilio em hucff.ufrj.br
Seg Nov 30 14:00:52 -03 2020

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: Simon Harden <UCAKSHA em ucl.ac.uk>
Date: seg., 30 de nov. de 2020 às 12:45
Subject: Biometrika Research Fellowship: available for 2021 start date
To: <allstat em jiscmail.ac.uk>

The Biometrika Trust offers a 2 or, in exceptional cases, 3 year research
fellowship, for junior researchers in statistical theory or methodology
(despite the name of the Trust, the research does not have to be
biostatistical). It is aimed at those among the most outstanding recent PhD
graduates who are capable of self-direction.

The fellowship offers an annual salary on the scale £34,804-£39,152 (plus
London weighting if appropriate), research support costs of £4000 (2 years)
or £5000 (3 years), and up to £5000 funding for a 'career development
event' to be devised and organised by the Fellow. Applications should be
made by the (potential) Fellow, who should have identified and sought the
support of a suitable UK host department.

There are no nationality or citizenship restrictions, but the fellowship
must be hosted in UK universities or suitable public-sector research
institutions and it will be the responsibility of the host department to
get UKVI approval, if relevant, once any award is made.

Any host department is not expected to supervise or direct the research,
but must provide a stimulating and inclusive research environment, and each
Fellow’s career development should be supported through mentoring.

For fuller details, and for the application procedure please visit

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Basilio de Bragança Pereira,M.Sc. and D.L. (COPPE) D.I.C. and Ph.D.
(Imperial College).
Professor Emérito da UFRJ  - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
PEP/COPPE, ICES  e Faculdade de Medicina.
Pesquisador Colaborador- LNCC , Pesquisador Visitante Emérito - FAPERJ
Tel: 55 21 98890-6489

O artista vê a verdade no belo ,o cientista vê o belo na verdade

"A statistician working alone is a statistician making mistakes"

"The best thing about being a statistician is that you get to play in
everyone´s backyard"
"Finding the question is more important than finding the answer"
"It is better to solve the right problem approximately than  to solve  the
wrong problem exactly'
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