[ABE-L] Probability Webinar - IM-UFRJ - December 7

Maria Eulalia Vares eulalia em im.ufrj.br
Seg Nov 30 16:26:06 -03 2020

*Probability Webinar -   IM-UFRJ *

Dear colleagues,

Our next online seminar will be held on Monday, *December 7*, from *3 p.m.
to 4 p.m*. (Rio de Janeiro local time)

The GoogleMeet link for the seminars is:

Speaker:  *Marcelo Richard Hilário **(Dep. de Matemática - UFMG)*

Title: *Percolation on a randomly stretched lattice*

Abstract:  We consider a stretched version of the square lattice where the
distances between neighboring vertical columns are given by interarrival
intervals of a renewal process. Hence, horizontal edges that link vertices
in the same pair of vertical columns have a common random length while
every vertical edge has length one. Conditioned on the realization of the
lattice, we define a bond percolation model where edges are open with
probabilities that depend on their length. We relate the question of
whether the model undergoes a non-trivial phase transition to the moments
of interarrival times of the renewal process governing the distance among
columns. We will also discuss some other related percolation models defined
on media with similar types of columnar disorder. Based on a joint work
with Marcos Sá, Augusto Teixeira and Remy Sanchis.

All the talks are held in English.

Thanks for circulating this information.

Organizers: Guilherme Ost and Maria Eulalia Vares
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