[ABE-L] CRM-PIMS Probability Summer School: May 24-June 18

Roberto Imbuzeiro Moraes Felinto de Oliveira rimfo em impa.br
Seg Fev 1 15:11:52 -03 2021

Caros colegas,

O anúncio abaixo é da já tradicional escola de verão em Probabilidade do
CRM e do PIMS, no Canadá. Neste ano, só os canadenses (em princípio)
participarão presencialmente; alunos de outros países poderão seguir a
escola remotamente.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Louigi Addario-Berry <louigi em gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Feb 1, 2021 at 10:24 AM
Subject: CRM-PIMS Probability Summer School: May 24-June 18
To: Omer Angel <angel em math.ubc.ca>, Mathav Murugan <mathav em math.ubc.ca>

Dear colleagues,

This is a first announcement of the next CRM-PIMS probability summer
school, which will take place in 2021, from May 24-June 18, at the Centre
de Recherches Mathématiques in Montreal, Quebec. The summer school website
is here: https://www.math.ubc.ca/Links/ssprob21/

There will be two main courses, given by Louigi Addario-Berry and
Jean-Christophe Mourrat, and there will be mini-courses by Sarah Penington,
Kavita Ramanan, and possibly a third individual. Details about the courses
can be found at the following link: https://www.math

Graduate students and postdocs based in Canada can apply to participate in
person, at https://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/UBC/SSPROB21
Applications should be submitted by February 21 to ensure full

Online participation from around the world will also be possible.
Registration information for virtual participation, along with a detailed
schedule, will be sent at a later date.

We look forward to seeing you at the school, either online or in person.

Best wishes on behalf of all the organizers:

Louigi Addario-Berry
Omer Angel
Mathav Murugan

Louigi Addario-Berry
louigi.addario em mcgill.ca
problab.ca/louigi <http://www.problab.ca/louigi>

Roberto Imbuzeiro Oliveira
Professor, IMPA
rimfo em impa.br, rob.oliv em gmail.com
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