[ABE-L] Seminários em Estatística e Ciência de Dados - Departamento de Estatística da UFBA

Paulo C Rodrigues paulocanas em gmail.com
Sex Out 1 12:23:40 -03 2021

Prezados Colegas,

Na próxima terça-feira, dia* 5 de outubro, às 16h30*, vamos dar
continuidade aos Seminários em Estatística e Ciência de Dados da
Universidade Federal da Bahia.

Este seminário será ministrado pelo *Professor Ronny Vallejos*, do
Departamento de Matemática, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Maria,
Valparaíso, Chile.

Ronny O. Vallejos received his Bachelor and Master of Science in
Mathematics from the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile in
1995 and 1998, respectively. He also received his Master degree in
Statistics from the University of Connecticut, USA in 2002, and later his
Ph.D. in Statistics from the University of Maryland Baltimore County in
2006. Currently, he is an associate professor in the Department of
Mathematics at the Universidad Técnica Federico SantaMaría, Chile. His
research interests are spatial statistics, statistical image processing,
time series, and agreement measures.

Os detalhes do seminários são os seguintes:

*Title*: Modeling the effective sample size for multivariate spatial

*Abstract*:This work focuses on the reduction of sample sizes due to the
effect of autocorrelation for spatial/time models. This type of problem is
quite common in several disciplines where the goal is to reduce the number
of georeferenced observations to be sampled. In the literature the
effective sample size (ESS) is defined as the number of independent and
identically distributed observations of a spatial process. Recent research
extended that definition to more complex models with more general
conditions for the theoretical developments. In this talk we motivate the
study of ESS with several practical problems illustrated with real-world
datasets. Then an overview of the main proposals will be presented,
including a general definition of ESS for arbitrary spatial regression
processes as a weighted version of the ESS of each column in the design
matrix. Examples of different patterned correlation structures are explored
in order to illustrate the computation of the ESS. We then introduced a
generalization of the methodology for multivariate spatial variables to
provide a common effective sample size when all variables have been
measured at the same locations. Together with the definition, we provide
examples to investigate what the effective sample size looks like. An
application for a soil contamination dataset is considered. To reduce the
dimensions of the process, clustering techniques are applied to obtain
three bivariate vectors that are modeled using coregionalization models.

*Data*: 16h30 do dia 5 de outubro de 2021

*Transmissão ao vivo online em*: https://meet.google.com/iio-crax-pmz.


Partilhem com os vossos colegas!

São todos bem-vindos!

Um abraço,
Paulo Canas Rodrigues
Paulo Henrique Ferreira

Paulo Canas Rodrigues
*Professor* at Federal University of Bahia <http://ufba.br>, Brazil
*President*, Brazilian Region of the International Biometric Society
*President-Elect, International Society for Business and
<https://www.isbis-isi.org/>**Industrial* *Statistics*
*(Founding) Chair,SIG on Data Science, of the International Statistical
Institute <https://www.isi-web.org/>*
*Vice-Coordinator*, Specialization in Data Science and Big Data
*Member of the Board of Directors, *Brazilian Statistical Association
*Editor for*: CompStat <https://www.springer.com/journal/180>, SOIC
<http://www.iapress.org/index.php/soic>, Biom. Letters
<http://www.up.poznan.pl/biometrical.letters/>, Rev.Bras.Biom.

*CV Lattes*: http://lattes.cnpq.br/0029960374321970
*Web*: www.paulocanas.org
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