[ABE-L] Seminário do PPGE/UFPE - Luz Marina Gómez (Hospital das Clínicas, USP) - 20/10 (16h00)

'Pablo Martin Rodriguez' via abe-l@ime.usp.br abe-l em ime.usp.br
Seg Out 18 08:00:00 -03 2021

Boa tarde a todos(as),

Esta mensagem é para divulgar a próxima palestra do Ciclo de Seminários do
PPGE/UFPE, a ser realizada na próxima quarta-feira, 20/10 pelo Google Meet.
Para mais informação sobre o ciclo consultar o site:

Sobre a palestra:Heritability of semantic verbal fluency task using the
variance component model and time-interval analysis

*Data: *20/10/2021 - 16h00 |* Link: meet.google.com/cwr-oaco-mmk

*Palestrante*: Luz Marina Gómez, Hospital das Clínicas - USP

*Resumo:* The variance component model decomposed the overall variance of
the phenotype into its genetic and environmental sources using the maximum
likelihood method, given the covariance among family members. In this
method, the likelihood ratio test (LRT) tests whether the additive
polygenic effect in each analysis is a significant component of the
variation for the trait, after adjusting for the covariates. In the model,
the heritability estimate represents the proportion of the phenotypic
variance attributable to additive genetic effects and is given by
h=sigma2g/sigma2p, where sigma2g is the variance due to the addictive
effects of genes, and sigma2p is the phenotypic variance. This model is a
well-established tool for heritability estimates in family. Individual
variability in word generation is a product of genetic and environmental
influences. The genetic effects on semantic verbal fluency were estimated
in 1,735 participants from the Brazilian Baependi Heart Study. The numbers
of exemplars produced in 60 s were broken down into time quartiles because
of the involvement of different cognitive processes—predominantly automatic
at the beginning, controlled/executive at the end. Heritability in the
unadjusted model for the60-s measure was 0.32. The best-fit model contained
age, sex, years of schooling, and time of day as covariates, giving a
heritability of 0.21. Schooling had the highest moderating effect. The
highest heritability (0.17) was observed in the first quartile, decreasing
to 0.09,0.12, and 0.0003 in the following ones. Heritability for average
production starting point (intercept) was 0.18, indicating genetic
influences for automatic cognitive processes. Production decay (slope),
indicative of controlled processes, was not significant. The genetic
influence on different quartiles of the semantic verbal fluency test could
potentially be exploited in clinical practice and genome wide association

*Sobre a palestrante:* Possui graduação em Estatística - Universidad
Nacional de Colombia - Sede Medellín (2004), mestrado em Estatística pela
Universidade de São Paulo (2008) e doutorado em Estatística pela
Universidade de São Paulo (2013), é pesquisadora no Hospital das Clínicas.
Tem experiência na área de Probabilidade e Estatística, atuando nos
seguintes temas: análises de ondaletas, séries temporais e metodologias
estatísticas aplicadas a Ciências Biomédicas. (Fonte: CV Lattes)

Favor de avisar a possíveis interessados(as).

Um abraço.

Pablo Rodriguez
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