[ABE-L] Ciclo de Palestras PPG Estatística UFRJ (Danilo Alvares - 03/11 às 15:30)

Kelly Cristina kelly em dme.ufrj.br
Sex Out 29 21:34:41 -03 2021

dando continuidade ao Ciclo de Palestras do Programa de Pós-Graduação
em Estatística do IM-UFRJ, *na próxima 4a feira, 03/11/21, às 15:30*,
teremos a palestra do professor:

*Danilo Alvares da Silva (PUC-Chile)*

*Título: *A strategy to impute age at onset of a particular condition from
external sources

*Resumo: *A key hypothesis in epidemiological studies is that time to
disease exposure provides relevant information to be considered in
statistical models. However, the initiation time of a particular condition
is usually unknown. Therefore, we developed a multiple imputation
methodology for the age at onset of a particular condition, which is
supported by incidence data from different sources of information. We
introduced and illustrated such a methodology using simulated data in order
to examine the performance of our proposal. Then, we analyzed the
association of gallstones and fatty liver disease in the Maule Cohort, a
Chilean study of chronic diseases, using participants’ risk factors and six
sources of information for the imputation of the age-occurrence of
gallstones. Simulated studies showed that an increase in the proportion of
imputed data does not affect the quality of the estimated coefficients
associated with fully observed variables, while the imputed variable slowly
reduces its effect. For the Chilean study, the categorized exposure time to
gallstones is a significant variable, in which participants who had short
and long exposure have, respectively, 26.2% and 29.1% higher chance of
getting a fatty liver disease than non-exposed ones. In conclusion, our
multiple imputation approach proved to be quite robust both in the
linear/logistic regression simulation studies and in the real application,
showing the great potential of this methodology.
Paper – https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/09622802211013830

A palestra ocorrerá remotamente, via plataforma Zoom (link:
<https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81377429661?pwd=a1I1eS83eEtwSmtuWkp3a3dreG5mZz09> -
senha: 829338) e com transmissão ao vivo pelo canal do YouTube Ciclo de
Palestras Estatística UFRJ

A sala será aberta em torno 10 minutos antes do início de cada sessão.
Maiores informações em: http://www.dme.ufrj.br/?page_id=3185
<http://www.dme.ufrj.br/?page_id=3185> .

Contamos com a presença de vocês.

*Kelly C. M. Gonçalves*
*Professora Adjunta IV*
*Departamento de Métodos Estatísticos*
*Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro*

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