[ABE-L] U. of British Columbia - posições de professor e pósdoc + escola de verão
Roberto Imbuzeiro Oliveira
rimfo em impa.br
Sex Out 11 08:51:06 -03 2024
A quem interessar possa,
A UBC, que tem um excelente grupo de probabilidade, está anunciando
posições de professor e pósdoc. Além disso, eles também nos dão notícias
sobre a próxima escola de verão PIMS-CRM (lembrando que verão lá = inverno
**Tenure track in Discrete Mathematics or Probability**
The math department is seeking candidates for a tenure-track Assistant
Professor position, to start July 2025. Applicants should hold a PhD or
equivalent in mathematics or a related discipline. Postdoctoral
experience is normally expected. We are specifically looking for a new
colleague working in Discrete Mathematics or Probability, though
exceptional candidates in other areas of mathematics may also be considered.
Apply by Nov. 20 at https://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/list/25045
**Postdoctoral position**:
The probability group at UBC plans to hire postdoctoral fellows, to
start in July 2025. This is a 3-year positions with a relatively low
teaching load. Applicants should have obtained a recent Ph.D. in
Mathematics or a closely related discipline, or expect to complete one
before the starting date. Candidates should demonstrate excellent
potential in research and teaching.
Apply by Nov. 15 at https://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/list/25286
The 2025 PIMS-CRM summer school in probability will take place at UBC in
June 2-27. There are two long courses, to be given by Tom Hutchcroft and
Mathav Murugan. There will also be three mini-courses, given by
Nathanael Berestycki, Nina Holden, and Tianyi Zheng. The school is aimed
primarily at graduate students and postdocs.
See details at https://secure.math.ubc.ca/Links/ssprob25/index.php
There is some funding available for participants.
Apply by Dec 15 at https://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/list/25443
Applicant from SLMath sponsor institutions should also apply at
Roberto Imbuzeiro Oliveira
Professor, IMPA
rimfo em impa.br, rob.oliv em gmail.com
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