[ABE-L] Fwd: Augmented Reality Music Ensemble VR Demo

Hugo Carvalho hugo em dme.ufrj.br
Seg Fev 17 08:57:22 -03 2025

*Augmented Reality Music Ensemble VR Demo*

[image: image.png]

The ARME (Augmented Reality Music Ensemble) Project
<https://arme-project.co.uk/> aims to understand how musicians synchronise
with each other and develop a computational model that can replicate their
behaviour. This will enable the creation of a music training tool where
realistic virtual musicians can perform alongside the user. In this
demonstration, participants will have the opportunity to experience the
current stage of the project’s development, interacting with avatars and
trying our model for synchronisation among performers. The core development
and experimentation take place primarily in the University of Birmingham's
<https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/> Virtual Reality Lab
<https://virtualrealitylab.netlify.app/>, a state-of-the-art facility open
to researchers and students interested in advancing AR and VR technologies.
Perhaps we can, in future Carnivals, perform alongside a virtual Escola de

Save the date: February 25th,16:45 - 17:45, Muirhead Tower 420.
Sign up for the event at UoB Brazilian Carnival webpage:

This is an in-person only event! If you cannot attend to it, please help us
promote the demo, forwarding this message to someone you think would be
interested in it :-)

All best,

Hugo Tremonte de Carvalho

• Assistant Professor @
 - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (*UFRJ <https://ufrj.br/>*)
 - Institute of Mathematics (*IM <http://www.im.ufrj.br/>*)
 - Department of Statistical Methods (*DME <http://www2.dme.ufrj.br/>*)

• Member of the MusMat Research Group <https://musmat.org/>
• Projeto MPB: projetompb.com.br
• Personal website: hugocarvalho.mat.br
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