[ABE-L] Palestra Danny Pfeffermann na UFRJ - 19/02/2025 - 14h

Kelly Gonçalves kellygoncalvesufrj em gmail.com
Seg Fev 17 22:04:45 -03 2025

*na próxima 4a feira, 19/02/25, às 14:00*, teremos a palestra do professor

Danny Pfeffermann (University of Southampton/ Hebrew University of
Jerusalem).  Local: Sala C-116, Bloco C, Centro de Tecnologia - UFRJ.

*Título*:Official Statistics on Population Parameters from a
Non-probability Sample or by Integration with a Probability Sample

*Resumo*: Tightened budgets and constant decrease of response rates, due in
part by increasing response burden in traditional surveys, have stimulated
research into the use of non-probability sample data, which are often
easier, faster and cheaper to collect. In this presentation, we consider
the case where a non-probability sample with observations on variables Y
and X is available, but this sample is exposed to selection bias. An
informative probability sample, subject to NMAR nonresponse may also be
available, but this sample only contains observations on X. By application
of the empirical likelihood approach we show how to estimate the joint
probabilities of (X,Y) and hence the total of the Y-values in the
population, which the samples are supposed to represent, distinguishing
between the case where a reference, probability sample is available and the
case where only non-probability sample data are available. We illustrate
and compare the performance of several methods by use of simulations and an
application to a real data set.


Todos são muito bem-vindos! Até lá!


*Kelly C. M. Gonçalves*
*Professora Associada II*
*Departamento de Métodos Estatísticos*
*Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro*
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