[ABE-L] Fwd: [Prof-IM] [IM] Ciclo de Palestras - PPGE-IM/UFRJ - 6 de NOVEMBRO
Maria Eulalia Vares
eulalia em im.ufrj.br
Seg Nov 4 20:05:18 -03 2024
Prezados colegas,
A nossa próxima palestra ocorrerá na quarta-feira, 6 de novembro, no
horário das 15h30 às 17h00, Local: Laboratório de Sistemas Estocásticos
(LSE), Sala I-044-B, Centro de Tecnologia - UFRJ.
*Palestrante:* Alan Bruno do Nascimento (IM-UFRJ)
*Título*: Inhomogeneous percolation with random one-dimensional
*Resumo*: In this talk, we introduce the Bernoulli percolation model
and consider inhomogeneous percolation on random environments on the graph
* GxZ*, where *G* is an infinite quasi-transitive graph and *Z* is the set
of integers. In 1994, Madras, Schinazi and Schonman showed that there is no
percolation in *Z^d* if the edges are open with a probability of *q<1* if
they lie on a fixed deterministic axis and with a probability of
*p<p_c(Z^d)* otherwise. Here, we consider a random region given by boxes
with iid radii centered along the axis *0xZ* of *GxZ*. We allow each edge
to be open with a probability of *q<1* if it is inside this region and with
a probability of *p<p_c(GxZ)* otherwise. The goal of the talk is to show
that occurrence or not of percolation in this inhomogeneous model depends
on how sparse and how large are the boxes placed along the axis. We aim to
give sufficient conditions on the moments of the radii as a function of the
growth of the graph *G* for percolation not to occur.
This is a joint work with Rémy Sanchis and Daniel Ungaretti.
Mais informações: https://ppge.im.ufrj.br/
(pelos organizadores Widemberg Nobre e M. Eulalia Vare)
Maria Eulalia Vares
Professora Titular - Instituto de Matemática - UFRJ
Coordenadora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estatística
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